See the results of this call at the bottom of this page:
"Send your simply generate such high Love that these ones can be touched.."
From Ashtar regarding the October 31st Halloween Teleconference:
"We have said that we would provide some insight or inside, advance information on what is going to be taking place on the most auspicious day that you call Halloween. So here is a taste of what we shall be doing when our family gathers in the evening hour, as it were, of this particular day you call Halloween. It is a day or an evening, a 24 hour period and a bit more, when the veil is as thin as it gets all year. And this is most interesting for this year of 8 , is it not, because the veil is continuously getting thinner and thinnner and thinner. So don't take it to be that it is as thin as it will be in the entire year of 8. We are certain you understand what that means, because it is continuing, you see, this process of change, of evolution, of evolvment and Ascension is continuing.
"Nevertheless, it will be sooo thin that it will indeed seem as though the other side of the veil and this side of the veil are one. That is, there is no real distinguishment, certainly not a lot of thickness in the conscious minds of those who chose to be participants in this. Now there are many who are still a little afraid that there are scary witches and goblins and demons that are out flying that night and they're going to get'em. There is still that kind of thinking surrounding this day you call Halloween.
"But the truth of the matter is, that those who come from the other side of the veil, or who are in residence even now on what you call this side of it, are not so scary anymore. They themselves are a bit scared. They see this consciousness rising, and they know that it is no longer appropriate for them to be, shall we say, in any position to harm any being upon planet Earth. Many of these you call discarnate energies are anxious to move on somewhere else, but they have this kind of a pull. You know, they have a bit of a magnetism about them even now, and so they have this kind of a pull that is not exactly magnetic, but close.
"You know what magnetism is all about. So they feel as though they are not complete here. Their job is not done, their mission, whatever that mission is. Whether it is a mission to bring darkness or light. Sometimes those who have simply not gone on to the light have really not the intention to bring darkness. They simply do not know their own way, and so when they hover in the fields of a human being, they create darkness within that one's field. Interesting, is it not, how these energies can create or bring about, the catalyst for the creation of a bit of heaviness, a little dark glitch here and there.
"And perhaps there is some clearing still to be done, between the one out of body and the one still in. Well, those are private and individual matters. But what can be done on Halloween, this particular Halloween in this year of 8 is most enlightening and most specific to the One We All Are. That is, many, many of these ones, these discarnate ones, these ones who have been hovering in the astral plane and may be coming forth upon this evening, (because with the thinness of the veil, they can get in touch, so to speak) these ones know, or have a sense of knowing, throughout the consciousness of the one they are, that it is time to leave. They only need a bit of a send-off as it were, a bit of permission, a lot of Love.
"Boost them, like so many rockets, up and out, of the fields of so many of those that have been in body on planet Earth. And they can indeed, lighten up upon their journey if there is an application, a conscious application by those in body, i.e. you, beloved family and beloved lightworkers of the world. If you will, send your energies, in our gathering and in others throughout the world, to simply generate such high Love that these ones can be touched, and indeed transformed by it, such that they become Light and they can fly away literally, into the domains of Light where they're destined to go to, but they just haven't been able to do so, shall we say, under their own power as of yet, because they still feel this pull.
"So what we shall be doing is releasing, using the foundations which we have been building upon, all this time that we have been gathering. Here it is, you know, Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude. And we cannot emphasize enough the Gratitude part of the ceremony, celebration that we shall be engaged in together, co-creating as One in the Love We Are. It shall be most divine. It shall be most uplifting, if you know what we mean, and of course you do. And it shall be most, most wondrous for the world. It is a gift, a gift of Love that shall be given. It will help to lighten up the planet considerably.
"Do the visioning now. See little specks of darkness, hovering in the fields of all the ones in bodies upon the planet, and just imagine what happens when those little dark specks light up with the Love that we shall direct to them, and see how they shall indeed make their own ascension into the higher realms of light and as they go, of course, any dark energies shall be transmuted into lovelight. And guess what, the pure energy of Love shall radiate back upon planet earth, even more, even more, as this wondrous celebration takes place as this wondrous ceremony.
"And so we put it out there to all to come and join us in this most wondrous of works, this joyful, joyful coming together, this deliberate acknowledgement of the lack of the veil upon this Halloween night, which shall be for the grandest purpose ever, ever upon planet earth, and that is, send these dark ones, or the ones who are dwelling in the dark, at any rate, and bringing darkness to the planet earth, to send them with Joy and Gratitude to the Light, and thus releasing them will release a huge burden that the planet has been carrying all this time, and thus make way for even more light to come.
"Well, you can see this is another chapter, another glorious chapter, in the whole Ascension process. And we salute all of you, those who can be with us, shall we say, in conscious person, whether near or far away, through the wondrous means of the telephone, and all those who will join with us in conscious spirit. We welcome all of you to this ceremony of light, this ceremony of transformation, and this ceremony of taking a giant step upon the Ascension path. And we shall have some other discussions, of course, but this shall be the mission of the Ashtar Family that shall take place on this coming Halloween in your year of 8.
"We extend this invitation from I, Ashtar and the Beloved Company we call our Family of Lightbeings and Lightworkers, Commanders in human body. We salute you again and we tell you again how loved you are and how appreciated you are for joining with us in this most sacred and important of missions. And so it is. Salut."
Given through Susan October 24, 2006
© Susan Leland 2006. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.
Please join us in co-creating the next Ashtar Teleconference on Tuesday, October 31st: